2 de julio de 2013

Weekend in Madrid


During this weekend I´ve been in Madrid with my family for the masters graduation of my father. For that occasion I decide to play it safe and go for a LBD (little black dress) and add some color with the complements. The best part of a LBD is that it always looks nice in any type of body. Here I share with you some I liked and fit different types of body.
Hope you enjoy them!! :)

From Zara is perfect for not very curvy  girls because the rhinestones get the attention of the bust and really nice to show long legs.

From Asos, amazing shapes in the up part, with it you need nothing more than come nice shoes and you are ready to go.

From Asos Curve, always a good idea to wear some short sleeves when your arms aren´t very shaped, they hide and give some style to the set.

Also from Asos curve, nice for any type of body actually.

From Asos, you will see that I love lace and of course in LBDs is always a plus. Tight in the waist shapes the curves you have or creates them.

From Zara, leather LBD. Now that the leader is so on, this dress is a very nice way of wearing it. It will lengthen your body with that high waist.

This was our choice, simple and easy to wear. 

Asteburu honetan, Madrilen egon nahiz nere aitaren masterreko graduaziorako. Egun horretarako, LBD bat eramatea erabaki nuen, ezin baitzara erratu soineko beltz bat eramanda. LBD soineko baten hoberena, edozein gorputzetarako baliagarria dela da, hemen dauzkazue neri gustatu zaizkidan batzuk.
Espero det hauetaz gozatzea! :)



Durante este fin de semana he estado en Madrid con mi familia para el evento de graduación del master  de mi padre. Para esa ocasión me decidí por un LBD, sí fui a por lo seguro, y añadir un poco de color con los complementos. La mejor parte de un LBD es que siempre se ve bien en cualquier tipo de cuerpo. Aquí comparto con vosotr@s algunos que me han gustado y pueden adaptarse a diferentes tipos de cuerpo.
¡Espero que los disfrutéis! :)

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