21 de agosto de 2013

Advice: What colors to wear

Today I wanted to give you some small advice, because choosing what color to wear is not always easy and I hope these tips will help you. To know what colors are the best for you, first you need to know what season girl are you, spring, summer, fall or winter.
Is this useful and interesting to you?

Characteristics of each season:

1. Spring Season:

Skin: White or light golden (yellow base), vanilla or cream delicate appearance
Eyes: Light brown or honey, green, blue, gray
Hair: Brown, golden blonde or light auburn or strawberry blond

Colors that suit you:

Or soft pastels, peach, golden yellow, golden brown, ivory, warm green, electric blue

Colors to avoid:

Khaki, beige, ocher, blue almost black. In summary, muted dark tones like dark gray or black.

2. Fall Season:

Skin: White or light brown, tan or yellowish brown base
Eyes: Brown, brown or hazel eyes
Hair: Cobrizo, red or chocolate with red hues

Colors that suit you:

Earth tones, camel, beige, khaki, orange, gold or dark brown.

Colors to avoid:

White, black, pastel colors will make you look put that tired.

3. Summer Season:

Skin: Very white or pale pink skin
Eyes: Blue, light eyes
Hair: Blond or light brown ash or platinum

Colors that suit you:

Pale yellow, purple, mauve, pastel

Colors to avoid:

Orange, earth tones

4. Winter Season:

Skin: white, brown, sometimes with pink base
Eyes: Black or blue
Black hair, very light platinum blonde

Colors that suit you:

Black, navy, red, hot pink, light colors like white and yellow

Colors to avoid:

Beige Darks, etc.., Orange and gold

Gaur zenbait aholku eman nahi nizkizuen, badakidalako ez dela erreza erabakitzea eta jakitea zein den kolorerik hoberena bakoitzarentzako. Lehenengo zuen ile, azal eta begi koloreak izan behar dituzue kontutan eta horrela ikusi zein urtarokoa zaren.
Erabilgarria iruditu zaizu?


Hoy quería daros un pequeño consejo, porque elegir el color que mejor te sienta, no siempre es fácil, y espero que estos consejos os ayuden. Para saber qué colores son los mejores para ti, primero tienes que saber de que estación es tu piel, ojos y pelo; primavera, verano, otoño o invierno.
¿Os ha parecido útil?

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