23 de agosto de 2013

Trends: Fall I

Summer is almost over and we need to start getting ready for the fall, so let´s have a look to this 10 trends.
What do you think about them? Are you up to wearing them?

Winter White

Knit Beanies

One tip: Wear it on your way to the office or a cocktail party instead of just on the weekends. The contrast is part of what makes it look so chic. 

Classic Patterns

DON'T shy away from this print for the office. Menswear fabrics lend a chic and professional touch to your outfits.

Over-the-Knee Boots


Shades of Green

Green is officially a thing for fall 2013. From emerald to army, there’s a shade for every skin tone, hair color, and personal style. 

Slouchy Pants

Folk Inspired Pieces

Rounded shoulders

Leather Pieces

DO go for a colored leather piece every once in a while. Style it as you would a regular knit.

Udara bukatzear dago eta beraz udazkenerako prestatzen hasi behar gera, emen dituzue datozen 10 tendentzia.
Zer iruditzen zaizkizu? Erabiltzeko prest?


El verano está a punto de terminar y tenemos que empezar a prepararse para el otoño, así que vamos a echar un vistazo a estas 10 tendencias.
¿Qué te parecen? ¿Estás preparad@ para usarlos?

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